World Service Conference [Interim] 2025
[February 28 – March 1, 2025]
Download, Learn, & Vote
The Conference Agenda Report (CAR) is available for download.
Each Motion is listed further down this page with their Intent and Rationalization from NAWS.
Groups vote individually (rather than by Area) for the RD & RDA to carry a group conscious from the groups in the Utah Region to WSC. Voting can be done with the online survey that can be filled out at a group’s business meeting. Votes can also be brought to the RD/RDA at the February Region meeting.
2025 Interim CAR
This cycle the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) is available in just one document, including 12 CAR motions total to be voted on at the 2025 Interim World Service Conference (WSC).
Presentation with Region Delegates
The RD and RDA will be holding an online meeting on January 19th at 1pm to go over the motions and answer any questions.
2025 CAR Interim Presentation (Virtual meeting):
Sunday, January 19th @ 1pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 846 6906 8699
Online Survey for Group Voting
Online Survey for each group in the Utah Region to fill out in order to get their group’s votes to the Regional Delegates.
This will be available soon.
CAR Motions (Summarized)
Additonal information on many of the motions can be found in the downloadable Conference Agenda Report PDF.
Motion 1
To adopt for the 2025 Interim WSC and the 2026 WSC only: If a motion has consensus in an initial straw poll (that’s 80% or more in support or not in support), the Cofacilitators will announce the results as a final decision.
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Intent: To minimize time spent addressing items the conference already has agreement on.
Rationale: This change is offered as a one-cycle experiment to free up scarce WSC session time so that the body can take the next steps in the new strategic planning process. It is difficult to look at one change in an overall system, but the WSC seems to evolve most effectively one step at a time. When the new planning process is fully implemented, the goal is true collaboration among conference partici- pants, creating and refining motions together before the motions are posted for worldwide Fellowship consideration. That collaboration would allow all voices, including the minority, to be heard. Considering all perspectives in the process of co-creating the CAR and items for decision gives the minority voice more influence in shaping ideas and, ultimately, decisions. The board is committed to the Ninth Concept, and even now, before the new planning process is in place, there is ample discussion before decisions are taken at the WSC. Conference participant web meetings, CAR workshops, the conference participant discussion board, and other forums ensure that items are thoroughly discussed and all viewpoints are considered before an initial straw poll is taken. Hearing voices at the WSC itself after a motion has achieved consensus has not affected any change in the outcome. The purpose of this motion is not to silence any voices, it’s to make our voices more meaningful and allow more time for productive, creative discussion. At WSC 2023, more than 6 ½ hours of conference time (more than a full day of WSC session time) were consumed deciding on motions that had consensus in an initial straw poll. All 28 of those motions ultimately passed 27 of them with consensus and one with 79% support. Our time together as a body is so limited; we believe it is more effective and productive to use WSC time and this unique global perspective to collaborate on building the items for decision together.
Motion 2
To approve the 2023 World Service Conference minutes.
More info:
Draft minutes are posted on
Motion 3
To approve the 2025–2026 Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Budget.
(See Addendum A)
More info:
Intent: To have an approved NAWS Budget through WSC 2026.
Rationale: At WSC 2023, NA World Services only offered a two-year budget to the WSC because the conference had not yet decided to try a three-year cycle. Until a decision about a three-year conference cycle had been made, it seemed presumptuous to do otherwise. This budget will cover NA World Services until the close of this conference cycle after WSC 2026. The basic budget categories and definitions remain the same as the 2023–2025 budget. The fifteen-page cover memo for that budget in the 2023 Conference Approval Track material offers much detailed information about the structure, categories, and details of the World Services’ budget. You can find it here: English | Portuguese | Spanish. AT WSC 2026, we will offer a budget for 2026–2029.
As a reminder, this budget covers all activities for NA World Service locations in Belgium, Canada, India, Iran, and the US.
Motion 4
To extend the 2023–2025 Reimbursement Policy through the 2026 fiscal year.
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Intent: To keep the 2023 WSC approved policy in place through the next WSC.
Rationale: At WSC 2023, the conference approved a Reimbursement Policy that includes the daily per diem amount. (See Addendum A of A Guide to World Services in NA This motion would keep that policy in place through WSC 2026.
Motion 5
To adopt for the current conference cycle only: The 2026 WSC will take a new step in Strategic Planning by using a revised process (described below) for the CAR survey to consider ideas for recovery literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topics. Instead of submitting motions for project plans to create specific pieces of service material, recovery literature or IDTs for the 2026 Conference Agenda Report, conference participants will submit those ideas for possible inclusion in the 2026 CAR survey.
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Intent: To implement a process for all conference participants to collaboratively create a CAR survey with all ideas for Fellowship consideration of literature, service materials, and Issue Discussion Topics.
Rationale: We are proposing a process for conference participants to work together to create the CAR survey, which would contain all of the ideas for literature, service material, and Issue Discussion topics to be considered by the WSC. The CAR survey process allows any member or service body to forward ideas for consideration for new or revised recovery literature, service material, or Issue Discussion Topics. That can result in lengthy lists of ideas. The proposed revisions to the process keep the doors open for all members to submit ideas, and give conference participants a mechanism to create a more manageably sized final draft of the survey.
The CAR survey results have helped conference participants determine priorities for NA World Service literature and service material projects and IDT’s since WSC 2016. The CAR survey allows all ideas about the focus of these projects to be looked at and prioritized side by side. Currently, when the conference passes a regional or zonal motion to create a project plan for a specific piece of literature or service material, that idea gets included in the CAR survey for potential prioritization by the conference. If Motion #5 were to pass, those ideas would go directly into the CAR survey rather than being included in the CAR as separate motions. This allows ideas to be acted on more quickly if prioritized by the conference by being in the CAR survey immediately rather than the following cycle. (For more information, see the Current Project Process & Status document posted on This proposed revision to the process would still allow all members and service bodies to offer ideas, but it builds in more collaboration to create the survey itself. The new process would empower conference participants to collectively create the survey by adding prioritization and approval steps by conference participants before the survey is finalized for inclusion in the Conference Agenda Report. Thousands of members voice their preferences for literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topics through the CAR survey (7,731 in 2023). The CAR survey is a profoundly inclusive tool: any member of the Fellowship, any group, any service body is able to weigh in on what matters most to them and what should be a priority for the work.
Proposed CAR Survey Process
The board is recommending that participants (regions, zones, and the board) utilize this new CAR
survey process to submit ideas for literature and service material projects for WSC 2026 rather
than making motions to create project plans. The board will continue to offer general project plans for recovery literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topics, and the conference will determine the focus, guided by the CAR survey results.
• Start fresh! Conference participants—including the board—who wish to would submit ideas for the 2026 CAR survey. The 2023 CAR survey would be distributed or posted as a reference so that participants can reintroduce some of those ideas if they wish.
• Ideas emerging from planning discussions at the Interim WSC could be added to the lists as well.
• Any member or service body would be able to submit ideas before the deadline (see timeline below).
• When the lists of ideas are compiled, conference participants would prioritize them via ballot.
• The results of the prioritization ballot would be distributed to conference participants, and together conference participants would decide how to condense the lists to more manageable sizes, including combining similar ideas.
• In this way, the conference would collectively create the final lists for the CAR survey. Conference participants would have the final decision, and the CAR survey results would continue to help shape the focus of project plans, particularly for recovery literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topics.
March 2025: Email conference participants link to 2023 CAR survey and ideas received since 2023.
March–May 2025: Collect ideas for 2026 CAR survey, including ideas generated at Interim WSC.
June or July 2025: Ballot of all ideas sent to Conference Participants. (prioritize or simple yes/no?)
August 2025 CP web meeting: Discuss list and prepare list of ideas for the 2026 CAR survey. The list could be finalized at the web meeting or require another ballot.
Motion 6
To update A Guide to World Services in NA (GWSNA) amendment deadline policy to include first draft due forty-five (45) days in advance of WSC and final amendment deadline thirty (30) days in advance of WSC.
More info:
Policy affected:
Current GWSNA—Amendments to motions must be submitted fifteen days before the opening day of the WSC. (pages 13 & 14)
Changes to GWSNA—Amendments to motions must be submitted no less than fifteen forty-five days before the opening day of the WSC with final form expected no less than thirty days in advance of the WSC opening day.
Intent: To establish deadlines for the submission of amendments that allow for time to get a draft amendment conference ready and to be translated and straw polled in advance of the WSC meeting.
Rationale: Establishing an amendment deadline ahead of the WSC aids in the ability for Conference Participants to review all the information that will be discussed on each motion ahead of time. Estab- lishing appropriate deadlines lends to the ability to communicate the possible items for discussion on motions ahead of the WSC to conference participants. This also helps with conducting the initial straw poll ahead of the WSC by having the amendments on the initial straw poll it can help frame the decision-making sessions. Another reason for this consideration is for the purpose of translations allowing them the necessary time to translate the information ahead of the WSC and the straw polls. The initial straw poll is currently sent to conference participants in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Motion 7
To add to GWSNA amendment deadline policy to include first draft due thirty (30) days in advance of interim WSC and final amendment deadline fifteen (15) days in advance of interim WSC.
More info:
Policy affected: Add to GWSNA (pages 13 & 14):
For the interim WSC amendments must be submitted no less than thirty days with final form expected no less than fifteen days in advance of the opening session.
Intent: To establish deadlines for the submission of amendments that allow for time to get a draft amendment conference ready and to be translated and straw polled in advance of the interim WSC meeting.
Rationale: Establishing an amendment deadline ahead of the interim WSC aids in the ability for Conference Participants to review all the information that will be discussed on each motion ahead of time. Establishing appropriate deadlines lends to the ability to communicate the possible items for discussion on motions ahead of the interim WSC to conference participants. This also helps with conducting the initial straw poll ahead of the interim WSC by having the amendments on the initial straw poll it can help frame the decision-making sessions. Another reason for this consideration is for the purpose of translations allowing them the necessary time to translate the information ahead of the interim WSC. The timeline from the Interim WSC Report to the interim WSC is condensed in comparison to the in-person WSC, with the interim WSC report coming out 90 days before the meeting. For that reason the window for amendment submissions is a tighter timeline.
Motion 8
To add the following language defining amendments to the CAR & CAT-related paragraphs in GWSNA (pages 13 & 14):
An amendment to a motion is a change or addition designed to improve the motion.
The purpose of an amendment is to refine a motion to move the Fellowship closer toward consensus. An amendment should clarify, add, or subtract language that keeps the motion consistent with its intent. An amendment shall not replace a motion or introduce a substitute or contrary motion. A motion to split or divide a motion is an amendment to the motion.
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Intent: To clearly define the purpose of an amendment and its relation to a motion.
Rationale: The current language regarding amendments in GWSNA needs refining to fit the current process being used by the WSC. With a discussion-based conference, we see that amendments are useful to enhance or clarify a motion that is being discussed. However, there are times when an amendment may attempt to also change the outcome or intent of a motion and that is not an improvement to a motion, but more of a con for voting in favor.
Motion 9
To make the following changes regarding amendments and replacements of motions during the decision-making process to Addendum D (page 67) in GWSNA:
8. The Conference may decide to replace or amend motions that have been presented based on prior discussions. When the motion is presented, the WSC Co-facilitator may recognize any participant offering a replacement or amendment, or offer a suggestion to the Conference during the discussion of a motion. If supported by two-thirds of the Conference, the replacement/amendment will be accepted. The WSC Co-facilitator may interrupt this simplified process at any time they believe such action is warranted.
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Intent: To revise GWSNA to reflect the current practices of the WSC on how amendments or replacements to motions based on discussion are handled during business sessions.
Rationale: In consensus-based decision making, there may be times when the discussion reveals a solution that is amenable to the decision-making process. It is our belief that during a discussion-based conference there are times when the discussion leads to a change that should be considered by the body based on the direction the discussion has gone regarding a motion. Current practice of the WSC has been to not allow amendments or replacement motions from Conference Participants on the floor of the conference. Although, there have been instances where the cofacilitators have offered amendments or replacements based on the direction of discussion from the body to evolve the motion for its support. On the last day of the first part of WSC 2020, for example, the body spent a long time discussing what to do next. The body had been polled overnight “Do you want to come back together virtually as a WSC in this conference cycle to consider CAR and CAT motions?” and while there was strong support in an initial straw poll, the body was unable to reach a decision about next steps for the conference. Finally, after extensive discussion, the cofacilitator offered a proposal “Do you support to come back together virtually as a WSC 2020 in this cycle with the items for decision to be determined by CPs through eballot?” After some discussion, it passed with consensus. While these scenarios may not be common, the aspiration of a discussion based conference rooted in CBDM should have a mechanism for the discussion of the body to evolve a motion.
Motion 10
All candidates for World Service positions are forwarded to the HRP from regions, zonal forums, or the World Board (RBZ).
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Intent: To ensure that all potential nominees for WSC election are forwarded through the HRP’s RBZ process.
Rationale: Since the start of the RBZ process in 2006, the overwhelming majority (over 95%) of elected World Board members have had at least one RBZ recommendation. Including HRP and Cofacs, 73% have had an RBZ recommendation. Since 2006, no direct nominations from conference participants have resulted in WSC election.
Motion 11
If Motion 10 is adopted, to redefine the purpose of the World Pool to be used to retain information on candidates forwarded for consideration by regions, zones, and the World Board as a part of the Human Resource Panel’s nomination process.
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Intent: To revise WSC policy to reflect current practices.
Rationale: With the adoption of Motion 10, the World Pool would no longer be needed to collect information on members willing to be of service at the world level. The World Pool has proven ineffective for identifying trusted servants for projects and workgroups. The World Board uses an online form to allow members to express interest in participating in the current cycle’s projects. The existing member data would remain in the World Pool.
Motion 12
To not utilize a seating workgroup for the 2023–2026 cycle.
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Intent: To attempt a simpler process for compiling seating information and recommendations.
Rationale: It has been a time-tested practice of the WSC to try changes for one conference cycle before deciding whether or not to change policy. This motion joins that tradition. If this motion passes, the seating process described on pages 34 & 35 of A Guide to World Services in NA would be unchanged except that we would not be utilizing a workgroup to make recommendations to the board. Regions requesting seating would still submit the information described in GWSNA, and the conference would still receive all of that information along with recommendations from the board. In the past, a work-group has reviewed all of the submissions and made recommendations to the board, but it seems that the information from the regions themselves has been the most important consideration for both the board and the conference. It’s the board’s job to make prudent decisions about NAWS’s resources, and we believe the labor and time required for seating workgroup meetings could be better applied to other work. If it seems to go well this cycle, a motion can be made in the future to change policy on an ongoing basis.
More Information
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